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호텔 캠프용 패키지 국내 하수 처리

호텔 캠프용 패키지 국내 하수 처리

개요 패키지 크기 250.00cm * 160.00cm * 220.00cm 패키지 총 중량 2000.000kg 리드 타임 15 일 (1 - 1 세트) 협상 예정 ( > 1 세트) 제품 설명 통합 하수 처리;
기본 정보
모델 번호.MBR-8-10-16
방법생물학적 처리
용법산업, 가정, 농업, 병원, 폐수 처리
전압220V/ 380V/ 고객 맞춤형
설치 유형지하/지상
기능대구 BOD 제거
강판 두께>8mm
재료탄소강, 얼룩강, FRP, PE, PP
사용광물, 인쇄, 화학, 염색, 전분
특징물 정화, 여과, 정화
선박Mbr 멤브레인,Mbbr,Ao,Aao,소독,여과
작업자동적 인
서비스 수명30 년
응용산업, 시립, 국내, 의료, 선박
운송 패키지나무 케이스
등록 상표
1 Sets) br h5Product Description/h5 Product DescriptionpThe integrated sewage treatment plant can effectively remove BOD5, COD and NH3-N. It has the characteristics of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, automatic operation, and convenient maintenance and operation. At the same time, MBR, MBBR, AO, AAO and other processes can be provided./p Working PrinciplepReplacing the end secondary sedimentation tank of traditional biological treatment technology with membrane modules, maintaining a high concentration of activated sludge in the bioreactor, increasing the organic load of biological treatment, thereby reducing the footprint of sewage treatment facilities, and reducing residual sewage by maintaining low sludge load amount of mud. It mainly uses activated sludge and macromolecular organic matter in the retention tank of the membrane separation equipment immersed in the aerobic biological tank. The concentration of activated sludge in the membrane bioreactor system can be increased to 8000~10,000mg/L, or even higher; the sludge age (SRT) can be extended to more than 30 /pOur Advantagesp1. A/O biological contact oxidation process is used as the main process, elastic three-dimensional fillers are set in the A-level pool, and three-dimensional columnar elastic fillers are set in the O-level pool, with large specific surface area and high microbial activity, which can quickly remove organic pollutants and have a good denitrification effect. .The specific surface area of the filler is 16-20 times that of the ordinary solid filler, which shortens the biochemical time and greatly reduces the floor space.br2. The equipment can be buried underground: basically does not occupy the surface area, does not need to build a house, heat preservation, and the surface can be greened for driving.br3. Easy to manage and maintain.br4. Small impact on the surrounding environment./pAPPLICATIONSp>Package Domestic Sewage Treatment for Hotel CampPackage Domestic Sewage Treatment for Hotel Camp

Package Domestic Sewage Treatment for Hotel Camp

Package Domestic Sewage Treatment for Hotel Camp

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